Building Your Author Brand

When we talk about author branding, we aren't just talking about a logo, or brand colours. These are of course a part of the 'brand', but they are by no means the whole story.

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Formatting Dialogue

The general rule when considering dialogue formatting is that consistency and clarity are key. The dialogue in your text must be clear to your reader, and it must also be clear who said what.

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Your Ideal Reader Avatar

As much as we'd all love to think that our book will appeal to everyone, everywhere - it's a great idea to try and know who you're writing for, before you get too far into your manuscript. By starting with an idea and knowledge of who your target audience is, you can plan out your writing so that it meets that audience's expectations. The 'who' is just as important as the subject when you're crafting your book, it can help you to decide where you want to take your story.

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Choosing a Publishing Platform

This topic is often debated at great length, but the truth is, that there is no one-size-fits-all solution here. Whether you should publish exclusively through platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Select and selling through Kindle Unlimited (KU), or use an aggregator such as Draft2Digital or IngramSpark will depend on some key information.

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