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Self-publishing can offer an author more creative control, as well as overall higher returns (royalties), but if you're considering self-publishing for the first time, where (and how) should you focus your efforts to ensure your work is as successful as it can be?

Traditional publishing is a highly competitive market. Anyone who has submitted their carefully crafted manuscript to multiple publishing houses can certainly attest to how deflating it can be to receive rejection email after rejection email. Or sometimes the response is purely silence. This can turn many 'indie-authors' towards self-publishing. There is even evidence to suggest that authors who have seen success in traditional publishing roots are making the jump and switching to publishing their own books.
Technology has made this process a lot easier to access, with multiple options such as exclusive publishing platforms or publishing via multiple platforms - many of which offering free tools to format your pages and upload everything to their servers. Print on demand services and access to distribution channels are also a big plus, but with this being said, it can still be daunting if you're not sure where to begin. Below is our compiled list of top tips for self-publishing success.
Edit, Edit and Edit Again!
You've done it! Your manuscript is finished and you're ready to send it out into the world. You've sent the PDF copy to family and close friends and they've all given you their opinions - but even with the best will in the world, no manuscript is perfect straight off the bat.
Hiring a professional editing service is going to be invaluable in the process of ensuring that your manuscript is of the highest quality. Whilst you might have a friend with a keen eye for grammar, a professional editor will give you notes on how to improve your overall writing ability, as well as correcting your punctuation!
There are different types of edit, so be clear which type you're in need of before hiring a professional. Do you need structural editing, substantive, or copyediting? Does your manuscript only need proofreading?
With each step of the editing process, an editor may take several passes at your proof and supply you with feedback each time. Some editors offer multiple types of editing, so it is important to discuss your requirements with them as thoroughly as possible, and supply them with a sample of your manuscript when requested.

Get Creative!
There is little merit in having a highly polished manuscript that has been edited to near perfection, if you're not going to give any consideration to its shelf appeal. The quickest way to guarantee low sales volume is to produce a book with a poorly thought out cover.
It used to be said that cover art designed by the author could not compete with professionally designed artwork, but with more creation tools available than ever before, self-publishing authors have everything they need at their fingertips to produce a cover worthy of its place alongside books that have come out of traditional publishing houses. One of my favourite design platforms, Canva, has multiple templates available, so once you have created your design, you can use it to create other marketing campaign materials.
A quick google search for 'book cover design tools' brings up a great number of free programmes that you can use to create your cover art, but if you're not so creative in that way - you can always hire an artist to create your cover art for you. The key here is to have a clear idea of how your book should look, what you want to convey to your audience before they've read a single word you've written. If your book is a continuation of a series - it should be identifiable as such, just from appearance alone.

Decide on a Publishing Platform.
If you've been a part of the publishing world for any length of time, you'll know about Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). With only a few steps using KDP, you can take advantage of Amazon's print on demand services, as well as their global distribution network. It can be quick and easy to get your book published and out there for the world to purchase.
There are, of course, many other platforms you should consider, as well as whether you want to publish exclusively with an platform such as KDP Select*, or whether publishing wide would be more beneficial to you.
Aggregators such as Draft2Digital are other options for your publishing needs, and you can also publish on the likes of KDP, and Apple Books without giving exclusivity. If you choose to publish wide, you also retain the right to sell your books directly from your website.
*It's worth noting that the exclusivity rights here apply to the digital format of your manuscript. Once you sign up for KDP Select, your digital copy cannot be available for purchase through any other distribution platform. When you view the KDP Select FAQs, you will see this text :
"What does it mean to publish exclusively on Kindle?
When you choose to enroll your book in KDP Select, you're committing to make the digital format of that book available exclusively through KDP. During the period of exclusivity, you cannot distribute your book digitally anywhere else, including on your website, blogs, etc. However, you can continue to distribute your book in physical format, or in any format other than digital. See the KDP Select Terms and Conditions for more information."
Choose Your Format.
There are more things to consider when formatting a book than just how it looks. Improper formatting can affect the reader's overall experience, leading them to abandon a book, even turning them off to an author entirely! Of course looks are important, you want to create a book that is visually appealing - but you also need to think about
- Readability - your book should be easy to navigate.
- Technical Requirements of the Publisher - things such as indentations, fonts, and margins.
- Consistency - make the whole experience a smooth one for your reader.
- Professionalism - gives your book legitimacy and attracts readers.
- Accessibility - the more people able to access your work, the better!
- Branding - allows for cohesion across publications, allowing you to be easily recognisable.
Get Ready to Launch!
As an independent author going down the self-publishing route, you should try to have direct access to your readership through as many avenues as possible. With social media platforms, this has never been easier!
You can begin to create a hype around your next release from its early stages.
- If you're a non-fiction writer, show yourself to be highly knowledgeable in your field by adding value when posting to your audience. Get involved in conversations around your area of expertise : when you're seen as an expert, people will want to hear what you have to say.
- If you're a fiction writer you can tease your audience with short excerpts, get conversation flowing with interactive posting and showing up for your audience by responding to those comments!
You'll also find great support by networking with other indie authors on socials. Mutual sharing of posts can be a great way to expand your reach, so make sure you're showing up consistently and authentically!
When you're ready to launch your book, all of this relationship building will allow you to get your work into the hands of your audience!

There are so many things to consider when bringing your book to market, but you don't have to go through the process alone. You'll find plenty of information here to help you along your journey and support is available should you decide that you need it!
Let us know if there's anything you'd like to see covered in the blog via the comments section below, or send us a general enquiry if you have a specific query that you'd like help with.
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